When I speak in Christian terms or Buddhist terms I'm simply selecting for the moment a dialect. Christian words for me represent the comforting vocabulary of the place I came from hometown voices saying more than the language itself can convey about how welcome and safe I am what the expectations are and where to find food. Buddhist words come from another dialect from the people over the mountain. I've become pretty fluent in Buddhist it helps me to see my home country differently but it will never be speech I can feel completely at home in. . Mary Rose OReilley
About This Quote

In this quote, the speaker touches on the idea that the culture of a region can have a significant impact on the words that are used to describe it. If you’re from a particular place and your culture is quite distinct from the rest of the world, it’s possible you’ll find yourself using different terms to describe your home. You might even express yourself in a way that is distinct from those who live in other regions. The fact that these two different cultures share no common language means they also don’t share many of the same customs and traditions as well as how you speak to one another.

Source: The Barn At The End Of The World: The Apprenticeship Of A Quaker, Buddhist Shepherd

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